Top Herbal Immune Boosters for Vibrant Health
Nov 24, 2020
I've spent most of my life studying and using medicinal plants. Whether I'm growing the culinary version in my cabin or finding useful medicine on a mountain top, the power of Mother Nature is no secret to me. And a recent brush with what I was convinced was COVID-19 had me running to my medicine chest for all the herbal immune boosters I had on hand. It turned out my tests came back negative, but it's times like these that make me exceptionally grateful for the plethora of wild medicine I always have at my fingertips.
Ever since the dawn of the corona virus, many people have asked me how they can use wild medicines for preventative & restorative measures. Herbal immune support is on the rise...& for good reason. While it can seem complicated, it doesn't have to be. No matter what your level of plant & mushroom expertise or your geographical location, there are easily identifiable & readily sourced options for you.
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Healing Herbs
Herbal immune boosters are everywhere! They are nature's perfect answer to expensive, harmful pharmaceuticals. And one of the best parts about them is they don't come with a mile-long list of insane side effects. You need look no further than your own kitchen for some of the most potent medicine known to man!
Did you know your immune system needs to eat, too? It requires certain nutrients to be able to perform at its optimum capacity. If your immune system is worn out or starved for healthy foods, it can't do it's job of keeping you healthy. That's why you're more at risk for getting sick if you are stressed, tired & not eating right. So to keep your immune system functioning at peak ability, there are some simple steps you can take. Being sure to add some or all of these culinary treats to your diet is one of the best ways to give your immune system exactly what it needs to thrive. Eat, sleep & be merry for your very happiest immunity!
Herbal Immune Boosters You Can Find in the Kitchen
- Garlic
- Spinach
- Almonds
- Broccoli
- Onions
- Citrus fruits
- Berries
- Bone broth
- Tomatoes
- Wild caught salmon
- Bell peppers
- Eggs
- Oysters
- Mushrooms
- Dark chocolate
- Olive oil
- Coconut oil
- Pre & probiotics
- + so much more!
Your Wild Medicine Chest
Mother Nature heals. Can't argue that! Time in the woods or even a short walk around the block for some fresh air are just what the doctor ordered. And while you're on that walk, you can add all sorts of glorious things to your own herbal medicine chest depending on what you have available in your area. Plants like burdock, dandelions & chickweed are easy to identify, pack a serious immune boosting punch & grow just about everywhere! With a little education & your sense of adventure, you can find medicine & food your body will love in all your favorite wild & urban places. Check out my FREE field guide to foraging for foods & medicine to make your immune system super happy.
Herbal Immune Boosters You Can Find in the Woods
- DANDELION - (Want a free dandelion cookbook? 17+ recipes!)
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