Howdy! My name is Jess.

I was fortunate to be born under the Big Sky as a fourth-generation Montanan. People often ask me, ‘How on earth do you know how to do everything that you do!?’ My answer is simple – my mama.

She taught me the value of hard work and gratitude. She taught me how to laugh & dream on a major scale and influenced my love of nature and animals. My mama taught me how to run a chainsaw & how to identify & preserve the abundance of the mountains & prairies. She taught me how to be tough and self-sufficient.

But of everything she shared with me, my favorite is that she showed me how to spread my gifts with others. Whether it be the gift of a song, a smile or old-timey knowledge. And that my friends, is where comes in – a collection of insights, melodies & support that I hope will bring you more empowerment to live a vibrant, unorthodox lifestyle.

As you read this, I’m probably barefooted in my mountain garden sipping home-brewed shrub while trying to convince my husband we need to rescue another mustang. We spend a lot of time rehabilitating animals on our little rescue farm, which is just one more passion on a long list of interests.

My homesteading roots run deep & my endeavors are a direct reflection of that. You will likely always find me in the mountains or rivers; wild-crafting, scratching critters or playing music by a little creek. I love making meals that incorporate the earth’s bounty & sharing nourishing dishes with friends. I am always dancing…some even call me the Sunshine Girl.

Our family is deeply committed to self-sufficiency, caring for the earth and living a healthy lifestyle based on the bounty of nature. We source over 80% of our own food & are constantly educating ourselves on better ways to live our best lives. It’s our commitment to help like-minded folks to do the same. We certainly hope you enjoy the community here at

A few of my favorite things are bare feet + old barns + antiquated treasures + adventures + lots of laughing + wild horses + sweet melodies + rescuing animals + wildcrafting + wide-open skies + loving my husband + giving thanks.


All my wild love, 

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